When I'm sick, generally I am tired. When I am tired, I can pretty much guarantee that I will sleep, at least at night. Unless my nose feels stuffed with concrete and I'm totally unable to breathe, I can pretty much also guarantee that I'll sleep all night.
Not Fred.
Fred, my almost-3-year-old, has an odd habit. Well, it's odd to me. Unlike his older sister, Fred wakes at night whenever he is sick. I'm not talking, "Mommy, hold me" waking, I'm talking turn the lights on and let's get the day going kind of waking.
Puzzling. At least to me.
Right now he's got a chest cold. Poor kid's nose is running like Ben Johnson and his breathing offers me evidence that the cold is solidly founded in his chest. So for the last three nights, he's woken me up in the middle of the night and getting back to sleep is challenging, to say the least. His wakings are from about 1:30AM until some time around 4AM.
What the heck? You're sick, you're tired, and you really want to be up when all the land is dark, quiet, and still? Holy moly! Am I the only one that just heard Stand By Me? Sorry.
Needless to say, Mommy is quite tired today, as I imagine Daddy is, too. Daddy even got into the game overnight, trying to do whatever it would take to get Fred to understand that it was still sleepy time. We both had a rough night of it.
After several cups of coffee, this Mommy is starting to get the cobwebs out. Wish me luck that they don't reappear!
So I am thinking that this is good therapy for you! You know we are all on the journey together each in our own way. Hope you get some sleep!