12 June, 2010

Happy Saturday!

Today was the first day of swimming lessons for both the kids.  Well, it was supposed to be.  We got rained out.  Just as everyone was getting in the pool, the skies opened up and everyone was soaked.  Instantly.  With lightning and thunder, we all took cover and they officially called today's lessons off.  The kids were a bit bummed, but, the lifeguards still took time with the kids and went over the basic rules of the pool and talked about all the fun stuff they'd be learning this summer.  Fred wanted nothing to do with getting in the pool, so it was probably for the better that it got rained out.

When I pulled out the pool bag, Ethel dove right in to find her suit.  She found a few other things in the bag, too.

And so I leave you with this lovely image.


  1. Very cute, Ethel! Henry starts swim lessons Monday--also at an outdoor pool, so we'll be at the mercy of the weather.

    Will they have a make-up lesson for the one they missed? At least they had their suits and towels--they were probably more prepared for the rain than the rest of us!

  2. I hope Henry isn't rained out!
    I don't know if they'll have a make-up lesson, that's a good question. It was rather funny to see all the parents and kids all suited up, running to get out of the rain. Weren't we all there to get wet? :)
