03 June, 2010

Out Cold Where?

When Ethel turned 4, I had been wrestling with keeping her in her bed during nap times.  She'd gradually stopped napping, and by her 4th birthday it had become more of a battle than a quiet time.  I still remember sitting her her room with her when I told her that she no longer had to stay in her bed during quiet time, that she could play quietly in her room instead - as long as she stayed in her room.  I still remember the excitement in her face as I told her.  It was a milestone, of sorts, for both of us.

Since that day, she's been really good about playing in her room and keeping it quiet (for the most part).  Every so often she'll even fall asleep during quiet time.  She's got a wild imagination that can keep her occupied for hours on end.  Sometimes, though, that imagination tires her out and even she gives in, passing out wherever she happens to be.  I find her in some pretty interesting and surprising places.  Under a box.  In a box.  Under the couch pillows.  Behind the pillows on the couch.  In her room.  In another room.

I think I'm going to make this a regular "spot" on this blog, and title it "Out Cold Where?".

Today's isn't quite as quirky as past nap spots, but, she created quite the layout for today's nap spot.  Sleeping on a handmade blanket, she's got lots of her things around her.  I can only imagine what kinds of adventures her stuffed animals and the dinosaur on top of the box were having before she passed out cold.


  1. What I like is how you can hear them talking and playing one minute and then when you check on them the next, they are sound asleep! So cute!

  2. That is really great, you're right. I am caught by surprise every time, too, which is the neatest part. :)
