05 June, 2010

Morning Monkey

Makeshift "track" for the cars
Fred has started a pattern of early waking.  This does not sit well with Mommy, who really needs sleep to be an effective (read: nice, happy, good-mom-type) human during the day.  It's taken a few months, but, Fred has finally gotten the hang of waking and staying in his room without waking the birds.  Seriously, he was doing 4:30AM for a while, before the birds even!

So every once in a while I find him playing in his room for a while when he wakes up, and fortunately for all of us, sometimes I don't hear him right away.  He can turn on his light and get out trains and cars and books, and it keeps him busy for a long time.  This morning was no different.  I didn't hear him 'til after 6:30 this morning, which is like a world record.  I even had the chance to run out and get a coffee before he started to stir!  I felt like I'd slept all day by the time I heard him playing with his cars in his room.

And this is what I found.  My monkey in the morning.

It's wonderful when he doesn't want to get dressed and come down for breakfast so he can keep playing.

Morning Monkey


  1. I love this stage, too. I think it means that they are comfortable with their own imagination and secure (knowing that their family is around even if out of sight). I think they really need this time to be "in charge" of themselves and their space. Enjoy!

  2. How lovely that he was able to play quietly by himself! Hope it continues (safely) so you can sleep a little later in the mornings! :) I loved it when my preschooler did that (for a while, lol!)
