30 April, 2010

In Louisville, it's Derby time!

For the first time ever, I'll enter Churchill Downs dressed in more than shorts and a t-shirt.  We actually have bleacher seats this year and are dressing up.  This is a picture of the hat I crafted yesterday for the event. 

We're going today to the Kentucky Oaks.  It's lilies for the fillies today, and the day has been named Ladies First.  To raise awareness for breast cancer research, everyone is asked to wear pink today, and so I chose pale pink heels, and pink lilies for my hat.

Pictures of the final ensemble will follow later, but, I needed to put up this pic of the hat to start things off. 

Derby weekend is unlike any other time in any other place.  Louisville is full of electricity, history, and magic this weekend every year.  Derby should be on everyone's bucket list, for sure.

Stay tuned for more pictures and stories.

That's all for now.

21 April, 2010


I love Food Network.
I didn't get much sleep last night.
I'm relaxing and don't really feel too guilty about it.
I am leaving one week from today for Louisville.
I don't yet have a hat for the Oaks.
Lack of sleep caused me to be annoyed more by my kids than anything else today.
I feel badly about that.
I am drinking a beer.
I prefer wine.
I had too much to drink last Friday night.
I loved it.
I paid for it.
I need to drink more water.
I hope to get a shower tomorrow.
I am sick of Blago.
I have spring fever.
I need work clothes.
I could use the money to get them.
I want pets again.
I am dog sitting.
I drank a lot of coffee today.
My kids are beautiful.
I'm comfy.
I'm tired.
Tomorrow is Earth Day.
I have nothing planned.
Does having the kids pick weeds, I mean dandelions, count as an Earth Day activity?
I have a lot to do this weekend.
I need to go to bed.

That's all for now.

19 April, 2010

Me time, week 13

I'm getting lazy in reporting on my time spent on myself, aren't I?  Perhaps that's a sign that I'm healing from the inside and enjoying what life has brought my way.  OK, that was a deep stretch, but, I tried to make it sound good.

I'm trying to catch up on DVR'd shows (I actually typed the word "taped", but realized there's nothing taped about it any more), and realized I needed to post up.  I have to say that I don't understand why Kate is still on this show pretending to dance.  This chick needs to take her hair extensions and get a new reality job somewhere.  Ugh, she drives me crazy.

I digress.

Had a very nice Sunday, which was preceded by a fun, but, unproductive weekend.  Began Friday night by going out.  We have worked out a deal with another couple to swap babysitting with each other.  The key is that we don't pay each other!  Seriously, every parent should get in on a gig like this.  By switching off and helping each other out, we're each getting more time out than we would otherwise if we had to pay a sitter.  I am so insanely glad we are doing this!!

This was supposed to be an arrangement we'd take each other up on once every month of the year, and this was the first time either of us asked the other to watch our kids.  I broke the ice last week when we got invited to a friend's place.  Honestly, this is the best arrangement we could have made, and I'm sorry I waited 'til April to ask them to help!  They came over after work (Mommy L, Daddy L, L1, and L2) and we all played and talked together, while I showed Mommy L around the house and ran down the bed time routine.  Daddy and I left the house as Daddy L started the kids off on a game of Hide n Seek.  It was a great feeling knowing the kids were having a good time and a friend, mom, and familiar face was staying with the kids.  Daddy L took L1 and L2 home at bed time, and it was the perfect arrangement for all of us.

Until Saturday morning.  While it was nice to get out of the house for a while and not worry about dollar signs piling up at the stroke of every hour, there was no legit reason for us to stay out until 1AM!!!!  Holy hell!  The evening started out nicely with several coworkers, who also happen to be on the same intercompany softball team, all gathered together to enjoy good food, drink, and company.  The wine glasses were big, the appetizers were delicious, and we were all laughing together within minutes.  Did I mention that the wine glasses were big?  They were.  As one of the others said, the only quote from the night that I remember is, "I'd like another glass of wine".  Oh my. 

We started out with some game called Left, Right, Center, and moved on to Catch Phrase.  Well, not back to back, there was plenty of conversation, appetizer eating, and who knows what in between.  I say "who knows what" because I'm sure someone knows, but I am not that someone.  See, the wine glasses were really big.  Oh, I said that already.  Well, I filled mine at least three times.  I'll leave it at that.  There was a moment when one of us ended up being tossed over the back of a couch, WWE style, there were plenty of f-bombs dropping around the room, and the hockey game interrupted us every so often.  Not that I know any of that for fact.  And we didn't leave until 1AM.  1AM, I kid you not.

It was as if we didn't remember we had kids who would be waking before the birds demanding food and other nourishment and to be entertained.  Loudly.  Energetically.  Early.  Very early.  Like 6AM early.  Good Lord.

Let's just say that I did not get much done on Saturday.  I could barely get down a cup of coffee.  There, I said it.  It's been a very long time since I was unable to get down my morning jo.  Holy hell. 

It was almost noon before I could even consider getting anything done.  Saturday was supposed to be the day I shopped for a dress to wear to the Kentucky Oaks.  Yes, I am going.  Again. 

I went to college in Kentucky and met some of the most wonderful people there.  I have been going to the Kentucky Derby almost every year (missed 3) since 1995.  This is the first year that we will be sitting somewhere other than in the infield.  Seriously.  This is all foreign to us. 

I did end up getting myself into the car and took my neighbor with me to a local resale shop in hopes of finding a dress that wouldn't break the budget.  The planets were all aligned, because not only did I find a dress, I found the perfect dress!!  I can't show you until the whole thing is put together, but here are some clues.
1) Pale pink
2) Seersucker
3) I don't have a clue #3, sorry.

The last piece to the puzzle will be a hat, and I have a little time to get that done.  I did find a great hat at a store today, but, and toying with the idea of crafting one of my own.  Nothing like a homemade Derby hat!! 

I had been invited to go out with friends Saturday night for a night of karoke.  I was really looking forward to it originally.  After staying out 'til 1AM, feeling like I might lose lunch all day, and being so tired I could hardly form a sentence, there was little chance I was going to make it.  And I didn't. 

At dinner, Daddy dropped the big reminder on me that the next day, Sunday, was his company's day at Great America (GA), our local Six Flags.  Oh my.  Dude, I'm hungover, exhausted, and you want me to spend the day in an amusement park filled with roller coasters?!  Right.  Oh, and you want to take the kids!?  Sure.

With this in mind, I finally decided to stay in for the night and miss karoke.  I can do that next time they all get together.  I needed one thing, sleep!  So I grilled ribs for dinner, got the kids in bed, then got myself in bed.

I didn't start my Sunday at Panera this week.  No worries, I spent the day with my family.  Walking.  A lot.  We started out by taking the kids to a nice, rare, breakfast out.  They were so excited to get to eat at IHOP, you would have thought they'd won the Lottery.  Following breakfast, we spent the day at GA.  The weather was alright, just kind of windy and chilly, but better than last year when it was pouring rain all day.  I'll take a little chilly over rain any day.

I would not pay to go to GA, especially not with little kids.  Pricey, crowded, and just not fun with little whiny munchkins.  This day, though, was thanks to Daddy's work, and well worth our time and effort.  They have added a Wiggles themed area complete with a small stage show featuring a couple of characters from the popular show.  This turned out to be the most popular part with both Fred and Ethel, and I'm so glad for that.  We were able to spend most of the day in the Wiggles area, aside from our trek to the picnic area for lunch, and the kids had a total blast.  Fred was afraid of the Big Red Plane ride at first, but once he got the guts, he announced to me, "I'm not scared, Mommy".  He flew that plane like a pro.  Ethel had a great time riding in The Big Red Car with Daddy behind me and Fred, and we all had fun on the carousel before we left the park.

As expected, they slept in the car on the way home, and that was the extent of naps for the day.  We got home an they each spent a little time in their rooms playing on their own before we had some dinner, followed by bath time.  Bed time Sunday night was early, and everyone (well, the kids) was asleep by 7:30 PM.  It was really nice.

It was nice to have a day free of spring cleaning, food shopping, and other things that have taken up our last few weekends.  My liver is not the only part of my body crying u.n.c.l.e, though, as now my feet and one arthritic knee are waving the white flag.  It won't be long before my body turns French and goes on strike.

Now it's late and I need to get to bed.  I'm sure none of this has made sense, as I think I killed plenty of brain cells off during the weekend.  Hopefully they'll return.

I will post an update once I figure out my hat situation for the Oaks.  I am really excited to be going back, seeing my friends, and actually sitting in the bleachers.  OK, they're not grandstand seats, but, man, this is going to be a total blast.  I'll see a whole new part of Churchill Downs after all these years.  Very cool.

I'd better get myself to bed.

That's all for now.

14 April, 2010


I let my daughter dress herself.
I serve Mac and Cheese by itself pretty often.
I don't like shopping.
I feel guilty for working.
I yell.
I love red wine.
I hate vegetables.
I love to use my grill.
I let my kids jump on my bed.
I haven't started potty training my son.
I'm a tomboy.
I am a creature of habit.
I listen to WXRT.
I miss my mom.
I miss my grandparents.
I hope I'm a good mom.
I love my house.
I don't like the color pink.
I don't like iPods.
I watch news every day.
I worry about money.
I don't care about Tiger Woods.
I'm a Cub fan.
I sing in my car.  With the windows down.
I can't get enough Diet Coke.
I drink coffee.
I still listen to cassette tapes in my car.
I have lots of CD's and haven't put them all on an iPod.
I am a Gleek.
I am tired.

That's all for now.

11 April, 2010

Me time, week 12

 Last week was Easter, there was little chance I was going to leave the house for a couple hours with jelly beans and two small children in the house, supervised by Daddy or otherwise.  I also needed to make sure we were all prepared to leave the house at the right time so we were on time to Easter dinner.  The day turned out to be a perfect one, in the end, and I did not feel as if I missed out on anything.  Waking to Ethel's voice announcing the Easter Bunny's visit, and seeing the kids find their eggs, then devour more jelly beans than they've eaten cumulatively in their short lives, then crashing in the car after a long afternoon outside, a filling dinner, it was a wonderful day.

Our week was uneventful, aside from a hail storm early in the week.  It's that time for Mother Nature to remind us that though the snow has gone, she's still the boss.  I met my new friend during a lunch hour this week and got a lot of things off my chest.  I know she was thinking we'd talk about ADD, the fixes I chose, Healthy Selfishness, breathing exercises, and here I was unloading baggage like a handler at O'Hare. It felt good. I told her how I said things to my father that were entirely inappropriate for a child to say to a parent, to which she replied, "The entire situation was inappropriate, beginning with what he did to your sister", referring to him having told her about his affair and telling her not to tell anyone. I felt good about that. I felt validated in speaking as I had to him, whereas I've always thought I should have been more level headed. No longer. Just hearing someone who didn't stop me and tell me I shouldn't have spoken harshly helped me feel better.

In the end, she listened and said that it's really all up to me. I have to decide what I want, if there ever is contact. I agreed.

Fast forward through our week to yesterday.  I continued the spring cleaning I've been performing in the house.  Wow, this felt GREAT!  The sun was out, the temps were in the 70's, and there was a nice breeze.  With all the windows open, I sent myself to the kids' rooms.

Ethel's room has been overly cluttered and messy for quite some time, but I have been doing my best with her to keep it from getting out of control.  She's honestly pretty good about keeping things in order, but let's be real, she's 5.  So, I started with the lesser of two evils and went through Fred's closet before tackling her room.  The poor boy has grown so fast, unlike his older sister, that his wardrobe leaves much to be desired.  I often struggle to find an extra outfit or two that we can leave in his cubby at day care because it leaves us short at home.  By the time I review what's in his cubby, it's his pants and sleeves that are short, so I suck it up and leave him sans one outfit at home.  Sigh.  After going through his closet and drawers, I could clothe a boy for two seasons with what Fred has outgrown.  See, Fred's melon is large.  Seriously, I can't look at the size on the tag any longer, I have to worry about whether a shirt will squeeze over his massive skull.  It's not like Sputnik or anything, but, he certainly grows out of his shirts in the neck line before anything else.  I mean, he can walk fine, he's not really top heavy, but, it does cause us some challenges in choosing clothes.  I digress...  I ended up filling a big diapers.com shipping box with shirts, a few pants, and a couple PJ's sets.  Sigh.  Luckily, we have friends who will benefit from the rapid growth of my son, and will have a nice summer and fall wardrobe to enjoy.

Then it was on to Ethel's room.  I couldn't even bring myself to take before and after pictures.  It was one of those projects where I had to talk to myself out loud (which Daddy just "loves") and tell myself where I'd start.  I chose to vacuum first.  This would entail removing everything from the room but the bed, dresser, and book shelf, and sliding things around as I sucked up whatever was in my way.  I took up countless Lite Brite pegs, beads, and ladybugs along my way, and it felt gooood.  I tossed scraps of paper, bagged up trinket toys (which she had started to do herself earlier in the week), and reassembled her Aqua Doodle mats to discover only one missing piece.  I sorted out her books and set several aside to hand down to her brother, and did the same in his room, setting more aside to give to 'other children who don't have books', which Ethel loves to do.  The final stage of the project was to hang the extender bar in her closet, which would finally allow her easier access to her shirts in her closet.  I've been meaning to do this for weeks and was so glad I finally accomplish this small goal.  I rearranged things in her closet to make it accessible yet neat and give things their places.  Ah, dischord became serenity.

Once this was complete, it was time to get the bins of clothes from the basement.  Yes, that was plural.  I have been blessed to be the recipient of countless hand-me-downs for Ethel, to the point where I have at least two full wardrobes for her in any given season, plus at least two future seasons worth.  Her slow escalation to the next size also allows me to get multiple seasons out of each wardrobe, an added plus.  I wasn't sure how much I had for Fred, but was anxious to dive into the bins.

Sadly, I have nothing for Fred.  This poor kid hasn't worn a single thing more than one season, something I am really not used to.  Ethel on the other hand, is well stocked for summer.  Most of what was in the bins is still too big for her this summer, but that leaves me with plenty to choose from next summer, hopefully.  We have several friends with younger (smaller) daughters who will now be blessed with summer wardrobes, and one with a glorious fall wardrobe.  Honestly, there's nothing like being part of a hand-me-down chain, and keeping that chain going.  I recommend it to all moms and dads.

We ended our afternoon with a nice taco dinner.  {I have to add that I can no longer think of tacos without thinking of Taco, the character from The League.}  Following dinner, we noticed that the local riff-raff (neighbors) were convening across the street enjoying cold beverages and chitter-chatter.  Of course, we joined.  Before we knew it, there was a chain saw, bottles of wine, beer, and a raging fire on our driveway.  It was awesome.  Would you like to see what I'm talking about?

Never fear, the tree is quite dead.  We're quite excited, as it should provide us with several fire pits well into late spring at the rate we were going last night.  

A perfect spring evening, for certain.  We enjoyed a nice fire well into the wee hours.  A great way to finish off this productive Saturday.  Oh, the memories we created around this fire.  One which a select few of us are unlikely to remember (think: wine, beer), and the rest of us to fondly remind them of for many summers to come.

And here I sit enjoying my coffee.  That run I was going to take today?  Well, my good friend Summer Shandy talked me out of that some time around midnight last night, so I'll do that later this week.  I am so glad it's spring. 

That's all for now.

08 April, 2010

Just another day

For various reasons, I did Ethel's kindergarten physical today. Now I realize why the nurse told me it would be easiest if I didn't have Fred with me. Still, the mission was partly successful.

I knew we'd (well, Ethel would) have to pee in a cup {PIAC}, so I tried to push fluids this morning (9:15AM appt). Mission failed. She had her usual bowl of cereal, didn't have the usual seconds. Asked for milk, only drank a few sips. Hm.

She had a dream last night that she had her appointment and got shots, and they didn't hurt. She was pretty OK with it this morning, until after breakfast when the anxiety set in. By 8:40 when it was time to suit up, she wouldn't put on her socks, wouldn't get up out of the bean bag, and really didn't want to go.

So I loaded Fred up (all suited up), and put K's shoes and socks and jacket in a bag, and she got to go barefoot, sans jacket. I don't think they knew what to make of this at the doctor's office. I had to leave, she wasn't cooperating, so I packed her up as-is. I did try to sympathize for a bit, but, when the clock's ticking, we gotta go!

Nurse gave us the cup, knowing it would be easier to pee before the shots than after (when they're not the expected basket case). Mission failed. Tried everything, and she didn't want to, didn't have to, just wouldn't go. She's very into privacy these days, to the point where she wipes herself all the time now, she won't even let anyone in the bathroom when she's going. So imagine being in this small bathroom with the fan blaring and Fred and I standing right there. Ya, didn't go so well.

So, we proceeded to weigh in, 31.5 lbs. Then height, 41.5 inches.  Yes, she's 5 years old, yes she's tiny.  Yes, your two year old is heavier.

The nurse was the lucky one who got to prick her finger for the anemia test. Wow, that went over like a fart in church. She sat in my lap, wearing just her Ariel panties, and screamed and cried and cried. Poor kid. Later she would report that this hurt more than the shots.

The nurse left and the doctor arrived for the full body check; blood pressure, ears, eyes, nose, mouth, feel around the belly, rotate the legs, check the spine, and she checked out great. Now on to the hard stuff.

She agreed to sit on the big table with the cold crackly paper cover.  She's so friggin small, that table looks enormous when she's sitting there.  She had her gangly legs tucked underneath herself in the "criss-cross, applesauce" position, trying to hunch over in an attempt to defend herself against whatever it was she thought was coming.  Luckily, the chair was right next to the table so I could sit and hold her hand while she got injected. I think Fred will need some serious therapy after this one. I think Ethel broke the glass on the front windows of the building with her screams. She even watched the whole time as the doctor administered the shots. Mommy, on the other hand, focused on Fred while practicing her breathing so as not to see stars and blackness and become the patient. Poor Fred stood there not knowing whether to approach us or run for help. I encouraged him a couple times to come and give Ethel a hug and/or kiss, that she was OK. Even though the last visit we had was for his three year check up, both kids still vividly remember the appointment when we were there for Ethel's staple removal. This, friends, is why I am still sworn to saving for therapy and not college.

Anyway, she got her shots, then BandAids, and the doctor assured them that they'd each get a sticker or cookie or sucker. Usually it's the other ped in the practice that has such goodies, but I think they took pity on us after those screams. Even then, the other ped offers one item, not the choice, so this was quite the special day. Thinking the nurse would return with a couple of each offering, she instead returned with a basket of DumDums, box of butter cookies, and roll of stickers! Both the kids' eyes about popped out of their heads, and Ethel was immediately calmed. Creep. If her eyes weren't red you'd never have known she was just bawling her eyes out and screaming like her lip was being pulled over the back of her head.

So, the kids each chose their DumDums, and because the nurse likes them, she offered them each one butter cookie. For Ethel, since she was so brave, she got two cookies. Wow, Mommy is so lucky that each kid got a suker AND cookies before lunch (which is before naps)!

Now we still needed to PIAC. I told the kids we could go hang in the play room for a bit, and even visit the fun water fountain. Ethel was absolutely not going to play, and most certainly not going to drink from the water fountain. She was parked in the chair and not moving. Craptastic. After several attempts to get her into the bathroom, I finally cried UNCLE to the nurse, who consulted with the doctor. It was agreed that we could take the fun little cup home and try it in the privacy of our own bathroom, to be returned to the doctor shortly after being collected. In other words, take it home and fight with her there. Great!

So, final stats:
41.5 inches
31.5 lbs
Ears clear
Everything is in its place
Everything looks good
"You're perfect!" exclaimed the ped

Wish us luck as we try to collect the urine sample in the next couple days. Once collected, it will need to be returned to the ped's office within a couple hours, but will withstand refrigeration for about an hour after collection if need be. Wow, that's awesome.  I'm glad to now know this much about urine.  I'm sure you are, too.

Not to be outdone by the cookies and suckers the kids got, Mommy felt as if she deserved a bit of a reward, too.  Embracing my role as "Mommy of the Year", I took the kids to Binny's to pick up a bottle of relaxation.  Or two.  Nothing says "loving mother" like bringing the kids to the liquor store, right?  Luckily, the kind woman in line behind us could sympathize.  Sharing that she had a 13 year old daughter at home, as she carried a bottle of Skyy and Maker's Mark, I realized I was in good company.  She admired the two little balls of cuteness as they marveled at the rows and rows of brightly colored bottles on the shelves, while Fred reminded me that this store was a "look with your eyes" kind of store.  Good boy.  Not sure the older gentlemen working there shared this lady's and my moment of common ground, but I felt much better finding an ally in line.

So that's our appointment. It wasn't that bad, but, it was an adventure to say the least!! 

That's all for now.

04 April, 2010

"Mommy, it's Easter morning!"

There's very little that makes waking up at 6:30AM worth it. One of those few things, though, is waking up to the bright face of your five year old as she stands beside your bed, half naked, bed head hair, whispering "Mommy, it's Easter morning!".
The sound of that sweet voice, filled with excitement.
"The Easter bunny was here", she said.
"How do you know that?", I asked.
"He left jelly beans", she answered.

That whisper is like no other. That voice is like no other.
Soon, Fred began to stir in his room.
"Fred's awake, Mommy!", she announced.
We went to get him and tell him the Easter bunny had been here.
"Fred, the Easter bunny left us jelly beans", she told him.
Rarely has he ever popped out of bed so quickly.
A jelly bean trail!

Ethel remembers last year when the Easter bunny left a trail of jelly beans from the bedroom doors, down the stairs, leading to the Easter baskets. It's all new for Fred, having just turned three. The magic is the same for both. It never gets old. Ethel points out the colors. She finds colors that the bunny didn't put in the trails last year. She notes the colors that he left in Fred's trail that aren't in hers, and vice versa. Fred thinks this is very cool.

We all head down the stairs, following the Easter bunny's jelly bean trail. At the bottom, we find the Easter baskets that he left, filled with goodies. Inside each basket is also a note from Nani.

Ethel was like a little teacher, showing Fred the jelly bean trail, telling him all about the Easter bunny and how he left the trail from their bedroom doors. Explaining to him which trail was hers, which was his.

Just as Mommy suggested that we open the cards from Nani, Ethel reminds us all, "Mommy, the Easter bunny hid our Easter eggs!" So we go get the Easter baskets and the kids wander the house looking for eggs. Fred is amazed that these tiny little jelly beans are edible, and just wants "one more". Over and over. And over. Ethel is hard at work searching for eggs. The Easter bunny was quite clever this year, adding stickers to the eggs, indicating whose eggs were whose. Ethel and Fred had each picked out egg coloring kits. Ethel chose Tinkerbell, and Fred chose Cars. We couldn't get the stickers to stick to the eggs when we colored them, but the Easter bunny is wildly skillful and made it work. Wow is the only word possibly for such brilliance.

Ethel was very good at collecting her eggs and directing Fred to his. Fred became good at placing the eggs gently into his basket so as not to crack them. Yes, the Easter bunny hides the real eggs here.

In the end, Ethel and Fred were thrilled by the wonder of the Easter bunny. Their baskets filled with small goodies and eggs, their tummies filled with jelly beans, and their minds filled with excitement.