10 January, 2011

Kindergarten Chronicles, 13 September

We finally eliminated the battles over homework. New routine is as follows:
Come home
Sit at table with snack, and go over homework
Do homework before leaving the table
After homework, then play

Worked out well for Wednesday. Thursday and Friday are easier b/c I'm home and we're not coming home and getting through dinner prep, etc immediately. There's a little more time those days. So, we now move forward with our routine.

Ethel spent some time before school last week drawing pictures. One of the pics she drew was of a sign with the school's name on it. As it turns out, the school secretary took the picture and has it up on a display board in the school's office. :) Big grin.

Last week Mrs P introduced the "poetry folder". Each week they have a new poem they work on. They have to read it, recite it, and by the end of the week say it without looking at it. Ethel knew last week's before she even opened the folder, she was so excited, too.

They have a reading 'bag' that they bring home each week, and a reading log that's due each Monday. We've kept up with it pretty well, but, I tend to forget to write down all the books we read. Have to make a better note to do that often. I think on weekends, I'll sit down and read in the morning, and have Ethel do the same. That way we'll both get our reading time in, and Mommy will have some relaxing time. Well, that's my hope for now.

We have a huge stack of papers Mrs. P sent home in the beginning of the year which are sight words, handwriting practice pages, and other things that Ethel needs to work on. I think I'm going to add one of them each evening while she does her homework.

Tomorrow night is the first PTO meeting and I'm going to go. I really want to be involved as much as I can as a working parent. I'd like Daddy to do it, too, but, one of us has to be home with the kids, so I'll go to the meeting and maybe just sign us both up.

Ethel's started to finish her lunches, too. She was complaining that there wasn't enough time to eat everything, which I knew was more b/c the kids are all talking and stuff moreso than time being short. She can now finish a sandwich, string cheese, a side like yogurt or whatever, and a snack pack (Cheez Its, Grasshoppers, etc). Not too bad. I am going to make pudding this week to start adding to her lunches, which I think she'll enjoy. She told me last week she wanted to bring a water bottle and not get milk. Her words were something like, "I want to have a drink like the other kids have, water or a juice box. I don't want to get chocolate milk all the time". Sigh. I told her she could get regular milk, but it's not the kind of milk, it's milk itself that she's tiring of. LOL So Friday she got a bottle of water. I'll have to try to get her a resusable water thingy this weekend, I guess. :)

Aside from all that, we're both doing well now that we've got a nice routine going. Tomorrow is picture day. Cha-ching ($$). Hope we don't have to pay 'til the pics come in. LOL

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