04 January, 2011

Let's see, where was I? Oh, kindergarten!

Thought I'd start where I left off, kindergarten's beginning.  I'll start by putting these up one or two a day 'til I'm all caught up!

Thursday, 26 August

She was so excited today. One of my biggest things this morning was what to do all morning since school doesn't start 'til 9:10AM!! LOL The kids watched a show and we talked and had a snack. Yep, they're both up so early that we've got 2-3 hours to kill before leaving for school. OMG!!! LOL

I figured out the lunch money thing this morning during our down time, and sent $1 so she can get milk the first few days. I'll send another dollar or so next week for her milk next week. They have a lunch money account of some sort, and I just put an envelope in her backpack and the teacher turns it in and voila, they get lunch or whatever. :) Accomplished.

Got the eye exam paper copied in the school office. Now I have one in her school file, and will give one to day care. Accomplished.

No crazy lady running after me for the dental exam, the school fee, or any of that junk. I'm sure they will take it when I get it to them. Accomplished.

We walked in with the kids, found cubbies, and got them situated on the carpet. Teacher addressed the parents and let us know a folder will come home each day to be returned the next, etc, etc. She's a great woman and I'm very comfortable with her as the teacher. Very reassuring, very kind and helpful.

Anyway, my girlfriend came back here and we gabbed for a couple hours and Fred played in his room. I think this is going to be a big transition for him, his first time without his big sister around. The hard part for me today was when I put him down for his nap, not having to tell Ethel I'd come in her room to kiss her when I was done with him, and not checking on her in her room. She's not in there. For the first time in almost six years, I'm in this house and she's not. That's when it really hit me, and I sort of cried. I miss her. I know Fred does, too.

So, first drop off was fine, I did fine, she did fine, Fred did fine. My neighbor and I are going to switch off dropping off and picking up so we're not both having to go. So, next week I'll take both kids, the following she'll do it, etc. Since we just have to walk, it's easier that way. Fred can stay with her while I take the kids if he doesn't want to go or whatever. We'll cross that bridge when we get to it. :)

I have so much to learn as a school mom now. I'm looking forward to it, though, because I know that adding this layer of a routine to our existing routine can only solidify our schedule and ability to get things done in the house. HA! That was a good one.

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