05 January, 2011

Kindergarten Chronicles

Wednesday, 1 September

Day 5

First trip to the dentist (hope the school appreciates it), and she did great! Stupid Mommy forgot her camera and kicked herself all the way home, but, Ethel reassured me that we can take pictures next time. LOL

She was so good and really liked her first visit. She got the tooth tickler, Mr. Thirsty, and the water and air guns. Loved them all. She was particularly excited to go to the treasure box at the end, and to receive her toothbrush, toothpaste, and floss. It was a great visit. They even found that her bottom front teeth are loose. :) I almost cried when she said it. Ethel didn't even know they were loose, but, she grinned from ear to ear when they told her the tooth fairy would be coming to her house pretty soon. I mentioned her fall in March when she busted her head and lip, and the gums and teeth all look great today, so that is a nice thing to know.

Ethel has been reporting about a little boy in her class who seems to cause plenty of mischief. One day he was poking her, and everyone. The next day he wasn't listening and couldn't go to "specials" (a rotation of gym, music, library). Today he said "stupid" and "shut up" and had to get extra quiet time laying on the rug after recess. Ethel does the right thing and tells him to stop and not to do x, y, z, and it appears that he gets his punishments accordingly. I'm feeling good about the enforcement of the behaviour code. I mentioned to Ethel that perhaps this boy could use another friend, and she might want to try to talk to him one day. She didn't really think that was cool, but I encouraged her to try to remember that maybe he just needs some good friends and then maybe he'll stop bothering the other kids. We'll see how that goes later.

Ethel got a piece of candy (some Smarties) for being good today. The teacher told me how responsible Ethel was today in telling the teacher that I would be picking her up and not the day care, since we had the dentist appt. I felt so good about that. I don't believe candy is her main incentive, but it was nice that Ethel got something special. She said not every kid got some and she seemed really proud of herself, as she should have been.

She brought home a book in a bag, a Book Buddy, with a reading log sheet for us to complete for this week. She actually got it out in the car on the way home from the dentist, and then read it to me at bed time. We filled in the log, and included the two stories I read to her, one of which she "helped" read. She said the book was easy ("Panda Friends", about 10 pages, 3-4 words/page). I think the teacher is trying to gauge where the kids are at with reading. I was just so tickled that she wanted to pull the book out in the car.

I reminded her that she is grounded tonight, and we came home and stayed inside instead of going out to play with her friend, or having them come in. Not playing with her friend is quite the penalty, so I opted for that rather than making her stay in her room (where I can't lock the door). I let the kids play with PlayDoh while I made dinner, then they watched a show until I had everything on the table. We had a nice dinner, me and the kids, then we headed up for a bath. Ethel and I read books for bed time, and she didn't give me any grief about lights out at 7:30. She probably took about an hour to fall asleep, but, she fell asleep nicely. Fred got some Daddy time at bed time, and the house was quiet by 8:15 (after they'd sung to themselves and told stories, etc).

Looking forward to another great day for her tomorrow.

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