04 January, 2011

Kindergarten Chronicles, 27 August, '10

Friday, 27 August

Day 2 - great day. She is so loving school (even just on the 2nd day).

First call from the school nurse just now. :( She introduced herself, immediately said, "Ethel is OK, she's fine, nothing is wrong" - WHEW! Ethel and another kid bonked heads at recess. They applied ice, TLC, and she went back to her room just fine. Sounds like her! Anyway, I thanked the nurse and that was it.

Day 2. Call from nurse. Benign. Thank goodness.

Fred isn't napping today. Not so big a deal. I need to write about his transition in all this, too. Ethel's not the only one going through a huge change. Fred moved to the 3's, will potty train soon (I said so), and is now without his big sis two days a week. I think he's liking the Freddy/Mommy time, to be honest. :)

Will write more later. So.busy.at.work.

{after Ethel returned home that day...}

Day 2 a success. Injury at recess totally forgotten. Lots to learn. She's sooooo tired. We have friends coming by tonight (and their kids, E and F's ages), so I'm hoping for some serious sleep out of both of them tonight.

In E's folder last night were some questionairres about her and lots of pages to practice writing, sight words, and animal and sound recognition. Tonight, a story book and a reminder about lunch money, as well as the pin # she needs to pay for her lunch.

OMG, my head is spinning. Need to create files for both kids which will be kept down here in the kitchen. First, must declutter the kitchen. Ah, easier said than done.


  1. I like the idea of files in the kitchen! I am already worried/overwhelmed about H starting kdgn in 2012. I start to cry each time the subject of school comes up (or if I drive past one of bldgs on my list of schools for him). AND I'M A TEACHER! Your line in the previous post about being home and Ethel not, really made me pause. I don't know if I can do this. But you are doing great and so are Ethel and Fred. All of you are learning so much this year!

  2. I hate those kinds of calls from nurses! I'm glad she immediately said everything was ok. I get those calls for my MIL and hold my breath until they get to the point. I wish I could waive a magic wand to declutter MY kitchen! Definitely easier said than done!
